Examinations are for students to show their knowledge of the technical skills and artistic qualities relevant to the grade or dance style they have been studying. We encourage our students to take examinations, it is important for them to have a goal to work towards for continual improvement as well as building confidence and self esteem.

Classical Ballet Exams

The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) has set required standards within each level. Candidates must demonstrate an understanding of the work to an RAD examiner from Australia or overseas and will be marked on their performance on the day. The RAD has allocated sessions throughout the year with Victoria’s Grade’s session being held during Term 3 and the Vocational sessions in April and October. Examination dates are managed by the RAD and it is likely that they will be held during the week.

Internal Assessments

When we run an internal assessment, students present their skills and knowledge in front of staff members and industry professionals where available. Internal assessments help us to ensure students are in the appropriate class according to their individual standard and are usually held mid year during normal class times.